Molly Charles Elleman deVriesOwen James deVriesBusterThe Boom Site House and BarnMilbern Cabin

 CHARLIE - 01/19/2007


Owen James deVries - Born November 5th, 2008

Our second son was born Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 4:34AM. He weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and measured 20 inches. We went to the hospital at 2:15 AM and he was out two hours later. We found the name Owen in a geneology of my mother's family and simply liked it. James is for Molly's father Jim Hiber.

Cutting the cord
Charlie holding Owen 11/7/08
Aunt Deb 11/7/08

First night's sleep
Grandma Kathy 11/5/08
Picking Owen up from the hospital 11/6/08
Safe at home 11/7/08

E-mail Peter